174 research outputs found

    Alakfelismerés az utakon részleges pontfelhőkből

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    3D alakfelismerés részleges pontfelhőkből

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    Co-extinct and critically co-endangered species of parasitic lice, and conservation-induced extinction: should lice be reintroduced to their hosts?

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    The co - extinction of parasitic taxa and their host species isconsideredacommon phenomenon inthecurrent global extinction crisis. However, information about the conservation status of parasitic taxa is scarce. We prese nt a global list of co - extinct and critically co - endangered parasitic lice (Phthiraptera), based on published data on their host - specificity and their hosts’ conservation status according to the IUCN Red List. We list six co - extinct and 40 (possibly 41) cr itically co - endangered species. Additionally, we recognize 2 – 4 species that went extinct as a result of conservation efforts to save their hosts. Conservationists should consider preserving host - specific lice as part of their efforts to save species

    LIDAR Alapú Gépi Látás a Közlekedésben Részleges Pontfelhőkből

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    Obstacle Prediction for Automated Guided Vehicles Based on Point Clouds Measured by a Tilted LIDAR Sensor

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    Kutatások a középkori Csókás falu területén. Kis leletanyag – nagy kihívásokkal

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    Immár bő öt esztendeje annak, hogy négy fémkeresős kopogtatott az orosházi múzeum ajtaján. Azóta a civil oldal létszáma tartósan kilenc főre emelkedett, a kapcsolat pedig szakmai, baráti jellegű lett a Nagy Gyula Területi Múzeum régészettel foglalkozó munkatársai és az élet különféle területein tevékenykedő civil segítők között. A résztvevők a partnerség és a kölcsönös bizalomjegyében közösen végzik a gyűjtő-, feldolgozó- és bemutató tevékenységet kezdettől fogva. Munkájuk egyik – talán legfontosabb – része a késő középkori települések anyagi kultúrájának megismerése és megismertetése. Jelen írás egy olyan falu bemutatását célozza meg, amely a mai Békés és Csongrád megyék határán, a fő sodrásiránytól messze helyezkedik el, ám éppen ettől válhat szimbolikus jelentőségűvé. Nem csak Orosháza, hanem a mai magyar muzeológia – elsősorban a civil szakmai kapcsolatoktól elzárkózó résztvevői – számára

    Measurement of impact of selected industrial engineering practices on companies’ economic performance

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    Industrial engineering (IE) represents a significant tool how to eliminate waste in both manufacturing and other areas of the enterprise. This helps reduce costs, increase production effectiveness and other characteristics, which can lead to better competitiveness and performance. Finding IE methods that have significant impact on overall business performance is the main purpose of this paper. Another objective was to determine whether the impact of industrial engineering methods applies to all industries in the Czech Republic or whether it applies only to selected industries. The data was obtained through an online questionnaire survey, the survey focused on a wide range of manufacturing companies (N=235) from different industries, different sizes and ages. For comparing the overall business performance among individual respondents, a ROE 1 (Return on Equity) indicator was selected. To measure this indicator from the impact of the tax, investment and credit policy, a modified ROE indicator (ROE 2 calculated first with EBITDA - Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization and then ROE 3 calculated with EBIT - Earnings before Interest and Taxes) was used. The results show that the use of IE methods in manufacturing plants is limited to a few selected methods. Similarly, only a few industrial engineering methods are typically used in high performance firms and can therefore be said to be involved in increasing performance. The statistically significant relationship between specific IE method and the higher performance measured by ROE 1 or ROE 2 was observed only for standardization, 5S, JIT, APS and six sigma. Presented research also shows that this influence of methods does not apply to individual IE methods globally in all the sectors studied, but only in some of them.Internal Grant Agency of FaME TBU [IGA/FaME/2017/015]; GAAA - Grantova agentura Akademicke aliance Grant [GAAA 3_2/2016